Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Marathon Running

The Good: 
  • Shiny new medals
  • Lots of new friends (who are equally as crazy about running as I am, if not more crazy.)
  • New "wardrobe" - I love my running clothes. I wish my job would let me wear running clothes to work...
  • The Expos

The Bad:
The approximately $500 that was spent to get my IT Band to cooperate so I could run and receive shiny new medals.

The Good and The Bad: 
I need new pants... 
"Pants, like pants that you wear!" - S. Wagner
Running means smaller waist but bigger booty which equals pants buying dilemma.  

The Ugly:
Yep, those are my toes. 

The big toe is a “souvenir” from the Marine Corp Marathon and the index toe is from White Rock.


  1. It's the holidays...let's just focus on the GOOD, but I'm with you on the "bad" and the "ugly"...

  2. So proud to be quoted on your blog :)

  3. Is it bad that I was happy someone else has black toes? I don't think so.

  4. My big toe is dark greenish black and is hanging on my one side. I feel ya pain!
