Saturday, September 11, 2010

14 Miles and No Medal

This morning Diana and I hit the road early to get in 15 miles before the heat set-in. Even at 5:30 am the humidity was awful and by mile 8 my dry fit shorts were no longer dry.  To tell you the truth there wasn’t a spec clothing on my body that was dry (gross, I know.) Today's run tested my strength, determination, patients and sanity, but I won. When my Garmin watch beeped letting us know we had hit 14 miles, I looked at Diana and all I could think of to say was, "14 miles and no medal."  Today was the furthest I have ever run before and the last time I ran 13 miles there were people with a medal and food at the finish line.  This being said, if you are ever in McKinney on a Saturday morning feel free to bring us a snack; pretzels, oranges, skittles, crackers, cookies, really we would love anything – we get hungry.

When I made it home this morning I went straight in for an Epsom Salt bath. An Epsom Salt bath is probably the next best thing for runners after Gu (see previous post.) I am also extremely thankful that football season has started back. Football season means that we can lay low on Saturday, watch football, relax and let my legs recoup.

Next, Saturday we are scheduled for 18 miles.  I am going to say a little prayer every night asking for cooler weather in conjunction with my usual nightly prayers.

Even with the pain, I know I am running for a good purpose. Every mile I run and every dollar I raise helps to save the lives of those battling blood cancer.  If you would like to show your support please visit my TNT website.


  1. Robin-
    Yeah for you! I admire what you are running for and I think you are awesome! Keep it up :)


  2. Why do you think this is fun again!?! ;-)

    Love you lots! Deana
